Introduction to computer graphics, lecture 4: Coordinates and transformations Justin Solomon 1:00:46 7 years ago 2 093 Далее Скачать
Introduction to Computer Graphics (Lecture 4): Coordinates and transformations Justin Solomon 1:20:02 3 years ago 12 563 Далее Скачать
Introduction to Computer Graphics (fall 2018), Lecture 4: Coordinates and Transformations Justin Solomon 1:14:40 6 years ago 402 Далее Скачать
Introduction to Computer Graphics, Lecture 4: Transformations Justin Solomon 1:13:56 Streamed 3 years ago 2 231 Далее Скачать
Quick Understanding of Homogeneous Coordinates for Computer Graphics Miolith 6:53 1 year ago 66 004 Далее Скачать
Introduction to Computer Graphics (fall 2019), Lecture 4: Linear and Affine Transformations Justin Solomon 1:04:49 5 years ago 2 280 Далее Скачать
Introduction to Coordinate System - Introduction Computer Graphics and Output Primitives Ekeeda 3:40 3 years ago 11 262 Далее Скачать